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Square Enix Reveals Final Fantasy VII Remake: World Preview Book

Released in Japan last week, Square Enix announced today that its manga and books branch — appropriately named Square Enix Manga & Books — is bringing Final Fantasy VII Remake: World Preview to Western audiences.

It’s an interesting release, since while these kind of informational + art books are commonplace in Japan, they don’t often get localizations. Coming this September 8th for $24.99 USD, this hardcover book features artwork and information on Final Fantasy VII Remake’s famous cast, settings, gameplay, and more. Here is the official synopsis of the book, in case you aren’t sure who Cloud Strife is yet:

The world has fallen under the dominion of the Shinra Electric Power Company, a sinister corporation that has monopolized the planet’s very life force as Mako energy.

In the urban megalopolis of Midgar, an anti-Shinra rebel group calling themselves Avalanche have stepped up their campaign of resistance.

Cloud Strife, a former member of Shinra’s elite SOLDIER unit now turned mercenary, lends his aid to the rebels, unaware that he will be drawn into an epic battle for the fate of the planet, while having to come to terms with his own lost past.

Look for the book this fall! While not part of this announcement, the company is also releasing a Final Fantasy VII Poster Collection on November 17th that will contain 22 large (11″ x 14″) posters depicting artwork from several FFVII titles over the years, including the original and remake versions of the main game, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, and Advent Children. It too will retail for $24.99 USD.

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Mike Salbato

Mike Salbato

Mike has been with RPGFan nearly since its inception, and in that time has worn a surprising number of hats for someone who doesn't own a hatstand. Today he attempts to balance his Creative Director role with his Editor-in-Chief status. Despite the amount of coffee in his veins, he bleeds emerald green.

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