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The Outer Worlds Available for Pre-Purchase on Switch

The Outer Worlds Screenshot Switch 09

The Switch port of Obsidian Entertainment’s The Outer Worlds is now available for pre-purchase on the Nintendo eShop. This massive adventure, which came out last year on other platforms, will retail for $59.99 USD on the Switch.

You can find a whole new batch of screenshots from the Switch version of The Outer Worlds in our game page. Check out some highlights down below!

The Outer Worlds Screenshot Switch 08
The Outer Worlds Screenshot Switch 07
The Outer Worlds Screenshot Switch 010

You’ll be able to take The Outer Worlds with you on the go beginning on June 5th. Stay tuned to RPGFan for more information!

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Peter Triezenberg

Peter Triezenberg

Peter is a reviews editor for RPGFan, and quite possibly the spooniest bard you'll ever meet. He's also the site's resident Kingdom Hearts fan, Final Fantasy XV apologist, and Yu-Gi-Oh! enthusiast. In between playing video games or writing news, he can usually be found drinking unsafe amounts of caffeinated beverages. He also really likes cats.

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