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Kitfox Games Debuts New Boyfriend Dungeon Trailer

Boyfriend Dungeon screenshot

During today’s Guerrilla Collective Showcase, Kitfox Games gave us a fresh look at their unique dungeon crawling dating sim, Boyfriend Dungeon. Narrated by the game’s creative director, Tanya X. Short, the video shows the two wildly different aspects of the game, and how these two genres blend… well, and how exactly one “dates their weapons.”

Boyfriend Dungeon doesn’t yet have a release date, but it sounds like the game’s development is continuing well, so hopefully it won’t be long before we know more. Boyfriend Dungeon will be coming to Steam, Windows, macOS, and Nintendo Switch.

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Mike Salbato

Mike Salbato

Mike has been with RPGFan nearly since its inception, and in that time has worn a surprising number of hats for someone who doesn't own a hatstand. Today he balances his Creative Director role with his Editor-in-Chief status. Despite the amount of coffee in his veins, he bleeds emerald green.

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