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Check Out the Latest Trailer for Fae Tactics

During the recent PC Gaming show, we got to see another look at Fae Tactics, a truly adorable-looking tactical RPG from developer Endlessfluff Games and published by Humble Games. This strategy title touts “menuless” combat as one of its hallmarks, as protagonist Peony comes into conflict with the titular fae.

You can check out the game’s Steam Page if you’d like to know more, but for now, watch the new trailer below! Fae Tactics will hit Windows PC platforms and the Switch sometime in 2020.

Source: PC Gamer

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Peter Triezenberg

Peter Triezenberg

Peter is a reviews editor for RPGFan, and quite possibly the spooniest bard you'll ever meet. He's also the site's resident Kingdom Hearts fan, Final Fantasy XV apologist, and Yu-Gi-Oh! enthusiast. In between playing video games or writing news, he can usually be found drinking unsafe amounts of caffeinated beverages. He also really likes cats.

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