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Granblue Fantasy: Relink Will Have Major News At Granblue Fantasy Fes 2020

Granblue Fantasy Relink Screenshot 073

Granblue fans rejoice! Cygames says they’ll be talking about Granblue Fantasy: Relink at their upcoming Granblue Fantasy Fes 2020, set to run from December 11th through 13th. An upcoming release for the Sony PlayStation 4, Relink is set to be an action RPG with party mechanics, allowing for both single and multiplayer experiences.

Project director Tetsuya Fukuhara commented that “Development is going well” during the Granblue Fantasy Summer 2020 Special livestream, and showcased a teaser slide.

Teaser slide for Granblue Fantasy: Relink
Teaser slide noting that Granblue Fantasy: Relink will be featured at the upcoming fes with the potential of a release date announcement.

You can read more about Granblue Fantasy: Relink at our game hub for the title and check out our galleries!

Source: Gematsu

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Emony Tjan

Emony Tjan

An Ancient One of RPGFan, circa 2001. Background painter for animated productions by day, moonlights as an RPGFan news editor and backend developer. Fan of cats.

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