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Osteoblasts Blasts Onto Steam

Osteoblasts Screenshot

Cat-astrophe has struck! Your cat skeleton army has arisen by a Cat Witch and you need to attack your number one enemy: dogs. Osteoblasts is now available on Steam! You can pick the game up at a discount 25% off, $7.99 USD, right now!

Watch the final release trailer for Osteoblasts below:

Osteoblasts is a turn-based RPG with 7 possible classes. Moonana estimates that each playthrough can take up to 10-16 hours.

With the launch of the game, Moonana is doing a giveaway. Until February 24th, five players will win the chance to each receive three keychains with characters of Osteoblasts, Virgo Versus The Zodiac, and Keylocker. All you need to do is find the star-shaped coupons hidden inside the game. The keychains can be shipped worldwide, so anyone can join!

Stay tuned to RPGFan for more purr-fect news on Osteoblasts!

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Tyler Trosper

Tyler Trosper

Tyler Trosper is a news writer for RPGFan. He has an unhealthy obsession with the Xeno franchise, especially Xenosaga. He runs a podcast about the series in his free time and sometimes works on fan projects. Tyler would die happy if Xenosaga Episode IV was announced. Besides Xeno, Tyler enjoys watching anime, his favorite being Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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