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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Coming 2023, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising Announced For 2022

The silhouette of a major character in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

Suikoden and classic JRPG fans alike can rejoice because Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes has been announced for an Xbox Series X|S Game Pass release in 2023. Eiyuden’s developers had already announced it would be delayed, but fans can rest easy now with a target date, and a surprise that some may not have seen coming.

Here’s a brand new trailer courtesy of Microsoft & Bethesda’s Games Showcase. Not only have we been served a gorgeous glimpse at Hundred Heroes, but we’ve also been formally introduced to…

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, an interstitial release. A very brief clip showcases the fact that it will focus on side-scrolling combat rather than the main game’s more traditionally “JRPG” approach.

Details have since been revealed via Rising’s Steam page, including the fact that it will serve primarily as a town-building prologue to Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes centering on certain characters who will prove important in the 2023 title. Data transfer will be possible between the two games, with “small perks” for players that link the two together. Rising is set to release in 2022.

Check back with RPGFan for more exciting Eiyuden goodness whenever news breaks!

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Emony Tjan

Emony Tjan

An Ancient One of RPGFan, circa 2001. Background painter for animated productions by day, moonlights as an RPGFan news editor and backend developer. Fan of cats.

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