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Weird West’s Latest Trailer Is All About Decisions

Key Art From Weird West Featuring Orange Skies And Smoke Trails

Devolver Digital has released a new (and final) video in their series “Road to Weird West,” highlighting the various decisions players will make in the game. The video features narration by Raphael Colantonio (whose previous work includes Dishonored and Prey), and provides a short but sweet look into the kinds of choices you’ll run into in this fantasy-tinged wild west setting.

Check the video out below, and be sure to check out Weird West‘s official website for more information! The game will be out on March 31st for PS4, XB1, Xbox Game Pass, and Windows PC via Steam.

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Peter Triezenberg

Peter Triezenberg

Peter is a reviews editor for RPGFan, and quite possibly the spooniest bard you'll ever meet. He's also the site's resident Kingdom Hearts fan, Final Fantasy XV apologist, and Yu-Gi-Oh! enthusiast. In between playing video games or writing news, he can usually be found drinking unsafe amounts of caffeinated beverages. He also really likes cats.

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