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Digimon Survive Receives Japanese Release Date of July 28th

The main cast as seen in the latest Digimon Survive teaser

In the latest issue of V-Jump, a Japanese magazine that covers manga and video games, Digimon Survive was finally given a release date! The highly anticipated title, which has received numerous delays since its announcement in 2018, has been given a release date of July 28th. At the time of writing it is unknown whether the title will release worldwide on the given date, or if fans outside of Japan will have to wait a little longer. It’s also worth noting that while Digimon Survive is only confirmed to be releasing on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in Japan, the title is also set to release on Xbox One and PC via Steam upon the game’s western release.

The last time we were given any news regarding the title was during Digimon Con 2022, which took place back in February. During the celebration we received a teaser trailer for Digimon Survive, which you can view below:

I’m sure those excited for Digimon Survive will be relieved that the game has finally been given a release date, especially after what seems to have been a turbulent development. As mentioned above, we don’t currently know if the title will receive a simultaneous worldwide release, so make sure to check back in with RPGFan where we will make sure to cover any updates on the situation. In the meantime, make sure to read our coverage on all the information revealed about the title during Digimon Con 2022.

Source: Gematsu

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Tom Cox

Tom Cox

Tom is a News and Social Media Editor at RPGFan, with a love for Pokémon and One Piece. When he's not playing RPGs, he can also be found running, reading manga and watching anime.

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