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RPGs Coming This Week, 4/30/23

Screenshot of Ravenlok, one of several RPGs coming this week

On this edition of RPGs Coming This Week, we’re bringing a small but quality selection. Think of this week’s column like the hors d’oeuvres or charcuterie board before the stomach-bloating multi-course meal that is the May release schedule. Please enjoy yourself as we serve up this platter of two action-based indie titles with vibrant art styles and potentially interesting narratives.

Arto – May 1st (Windows)

Screenshot of Arto, one of several RPGs coming this week

I’ve been curious about Arto ever since the hack-and-slash action RPG was first revealed. In the game, color has been lost, and only you have the power to restore it. You’ll get to invent your own spells while acquiring upgradable numerous weapons and abilities on your journey. Plus, you get to shoot paint throughout your quest!

Arto has players traversing different biomes, each with their own signature art inspirations and gameplay mechanics. Supposedly, the narrative splits into different endings based on your actions and choices throughout the game. The splashing of color onto the game world’s canvas is vibrant and eye-catching in trailers, and the artistic premise is visually creative. Arto could very well be an eye-opening RPG when it releases this week!

by Audra Bowling

Ravenlok – May 4th (XSX, XB1, Windows)

Screenshot of Ravenlok, one of several RPGs coming this week

If you’re into fantasy adventure media like Alice in Wonderland, Narnia, or Studio Ghibli, this upcoming action RPG might catch your attention. In Ravenlok, the eponymous young heroine begins her adventure by stumbling upon a magical mirror that transports her to a realm cloaked in darkness. Personally, I adore films in this kind of genre, but I’ve played a little less of it in games. Although it might not be right up my alley, the game’s visuals look undeniably exquisite with the use of voxel (3D pixel art). See it for yourself in 4K quality with the launch trailer and let us know if you agree.

Ravenlok launches this week on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via the Epic Games Store. It will be a day-one exclusive for Xbox Game Pass and Game Pass Ultimate.

by Tin Manuel

Well, as expected, I can’t put down Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed. It doesn’t seem to be a lengthy game, at least by series standards, but they sure crammed all the content they possibly could into it. I’m utterly enraptured so far, and I really need to get back to it, so I’ll see you all next week!

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Gio Castillo

Gio Castillo

Gio is a writer and editor with a deep fondness for role-playing and management games. He lives in the Philippines with two cats he loves dearly.

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