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Marvelous Reveals New IP: Project Life is RPG

Project Life is RPG Concept

At the recent Marvelous Game Showcase 2023, the eponymous developer and publisher revealed Project Life is RPG, a brand-new IP. 

The game’s director, Ittetsu Suzuki, stated that the company has never produced this type of game. The newest entry will be centered and built around the concept of “life.” Although there are no specifics yet regarding what players can look forward to, the presentation featured vibrant concept art set in an aquatic environment.

Project Life is RPG Concept Art

Overview of Project Life is RPG

Harkening back to influential RPGs from Japanese developers over the years, Project Life is RPG is a brand-new IP from Marvelous. Director Ittetsu Suzuki joined to share some of the team’s inspirations behind this new title, built around the theme of “Life” and all the ways it resembles an RPG. With the goal of building an original title all RPG fans will love, the team is working to capture the “feeling of anticipation” just before every great adventure.

Project Life is RPG is currently under development. No platforms or release targets were mentioned as of this writing.

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Tin Manuel

Tin Manuel

Tin is a designer and a writer by day and an adventurer in whatever game she is playing at night. She gets giddy talking about RPGs (specifically JRPGs), new releases, and reveres almost every female protagonist. She has two cats and two dogs, whom she loves dearly. She’s forgetful at times, but she will always remember Aerith’s death frame by frame in 480p.

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