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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Coming Early 2024 on Two Discs

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Screenshot of the party talking to Bugenhagen at Cosmo Canyon

TWO DISCS! It’s a phrase actually trending on social media right now, based on the reveal that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be on two PS5 discs. While we already knew the game’s development was “on track,” today we got our first real look at the next part of the FFVII Remake after last year’s teaser at Summer Game Fest, and it’s… a lot! Take a look:

While it’s absolutely notable that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be a two-disc game — as far as I know, this will be the first PS5 game to require that (but don’t quote me on that). Either way, it speaks to the size of Rebirth, and given that this second part will let us explore the world outside of Midgar, the game is no doubt going to be massive.

Disc count aside though, today’s trailer is eye-opening. It’s great to see Yuffie playable alongside the others this time out, but especially Red XIII, after his “guest” appearance in Final Fantasy VII Remake. Elena finally makes her debut, too, even if it’s in a way Aerith likely finds incredibly rude (not Rude though, he’s fine with it). But for me, seeing these wide-open areas and new takes on FFVII‘s familiar overworld is simply stunning. The rolling hills and dense foliage is meticulously detailed, seeing a glimpse of Junon (sadly only from a distance) hints at what’s to come, and, while I know this is an obvious statement, it’s really neat seeing how the greater — and sometimes greener — world looks in this remake after Remake being entirely set within a big city.

But you’re not here to see me talk about it. Here, have some new screenshots:

Producer Yoshinori Kitase had this to say about Final Fantasy VII Rebirth:

We’re honored to bring FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH to players around the world early next year. In the next installment of this thrilling tale, Cloud and his friends—both new and returning—will embark on a new adventure, so all players can enjoy this story, even those without any familiarity with the previous title or the original FINAL FANTASY VII. The entire team has worked fervently with love and adoration for the world of FINAL FANTASY VII to deliver an unforgettable experience for new adventurers and longtime fans alike, reaching new heights of cinematic storytelling, immersive and fast-paced combat, and rich exploration across a vast world. We can’t wait to share more details later this year.

It’s exciting to finally get a real look at this second game in the FFVII remake trilogy, and hopefully we’ll see more soon. Summer Game Fest also brought us the first update in awhile for Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis, which we’ll talk about soon! Otherwise, look for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth in early 2024 on PlayStation 5, and keep an eye on the still somewhat-bare-bones official website.

Did you hear it’s going to be on two discs?


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Mike Salbato

Mike Salbato

Mike has been with RPGFan nearly since its inception, and in that time has worn a surprising number of hats for someone who doesn't own a hatstand. Today he balances his Creative Director role with his Editor-in-Chief status. Despite the amount of coffee in his veins, he bleeds emerald green.

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