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WrestleQuest Release Delayed to August 22nd

Screenshot of WrestleQuest

Right before its anticipated release, publisher Skybound Games and developer Mega Cat Studios have announced that WrestleQuest will now launch on August 22nd, two weeks after its original August 8th launch date. Read the official announcement below.

WrestleQuest Official Announcement

Mega Cat Studios and Skybound Games announced today that WrestleQuest will now be launching August 22 across all platforms.

When performing final checks on one of our launch platforms, we discovered it was possible for players to lose their save game progress when playing WrestleQuest on multiple different devices.

Because this is a game filled with hours of content and player progress is so important, we could never bodyslam our fans like that.

We are truly proud of this game and believe that we have a product that delivers on all counts. We’re blown away by the support we’ve seen from players excited for WrestleQuest.

Thank you all. We’ll see you in the ring August 22.

This announcement will probably disappoint many fans who have been patiently waiting for it, but I respect the companies for demonstrating transparency and working to ensure a better experience. A two-week wait ain’t so bad in return for quality output.

In the meantime, have a listen to our latest Random Encounter podcast episode as our guests’ dive deep into WrestleQuest and 24 Killers, or take a good look at the other interesting RPG titles releasing this week in our fan-favorite weekly column. Stay tuned here at RPGFan for all the latest RPG updates!

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Tin Manuel

Tin Manuel

Tin is a designer and a writer by day and an adventurer in whatever game she is playing at night. She gets giddy talking about RPGs (specifically JRPGs), new releases, and reveres almost every female protagonist. She has two cats and two dogs, whom she loves dearly. She’s forgetful at times, but she will always remember Aerith’s death frame by frame in 480p.

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