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Free-to-Play The New Denpa Men Launches July 22nd

The New Denpa Men Screenshot

The recent Nintendo Direct showcased the return of The Denpa Men series with The New Denpa Men. This new installment releases worldwide on July 22nd as a free-to-play RPG, first as a timed exclusive for the Nintendo Switch, which means it will eventually become available on other platforms.

Here’s the announcement trailer from the Nintendo Direct:

The New Denpa Men was first revealed on the Japanese Nintendo Direct in February. In case you’re not familiar with these colorful creatures, the series started on the Nintendo 3DS as an augmented reality RPG. It went on to have a Japan-exclusive mobile title. Check out the summary below for more details.

The New Denpa Men Overview

Scour radio waves for the DENPA MEN: small creatures that call these invisible signals their home. You can’t see them with the naked eye, but you can find them and catch them on the Nintendo Switch system! THE NEW DENPA MEN is a free-to-play RPG where you can collect these DENPA MEN for your party and adventure with them as your companions. In addition to the main adventure, there is plenty of fun to be had, like decorating your island, fishing, participating in limited-time events and playing against other players’ DENPA MEN. Catch THE NEW DENPA MEN when it launches on Nintendo Switch July 22.


The New Denpa Men launches July 22nd as a timed exclusive for the Switch.

Stay tuned to RPGFan for all the latest RPG news!

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Tin Manuel

Tin Manuel

Tin is a designer and a writer by day and an adventurer in whatever game she is playing at night. She gets giddy talking about RPGs (specifically JRPGs), new releases, and reveres almost every female protagonist. She has two cats and two dogs, whom she loves dearly. She’s forgetful at times, but she will always remember Aerith’s death frame by frame in 480p.

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