Developer Necrosoft Games and publisher Ysbryd Games have regretfully announced that Demonschool will be postponed until the first quarter of 2025. During the PC Gaming Show in June, Demonschool was given an official release date of September “Friday the 13th,” but this date has seemingly lived up to ominous reputation.
In a detailed statement, shared in full below, Necrosoft Games relayed that even though they were confident to release a finished product in September, they are delaying the game to “make sure it’s as chock full of Things To Do” as they had hoped.

Full Demonschool Statement From Necrosoft
You never want to delay a game, but Demonschool means a lot to us. We’ve really put everything we have into this project, and as we got closer to release we realized that meeting the Sept. 13th deadline would necessarily mean a game with less content than we originally envisioned.
After discussing with Ysbryd, we realized we have a couple of paths forward. We could:
- Ship the game in the state it’ll be in on Sept. 13. We’re proud of the game as it stands, but we want to make this world feel even livelier.
- Ship the game in early 2025, which would allow us to manifest our bigger dreams into reality.
We believe the second option would be better for everyone for everyone who has followed our work so far. So we are delaying the game to make sure it’s as chock full of Things To Do as we had hoped. Realistically, the player would never have known. It still would’ve been a finished product. But we would have known that the game could have been more, and that’s the game we want to share. Ysbryd gave us the flexibility to do this, which is very unusual for a publisher these days, and we’re thankful for the opportunity to do this right. Since we’ll be taking extra time, we plan to create short dev diaries up until launch to offer more insight into the work we have ahead. We hope you look forward to these deeper dives into our process.
We’re sorry for those who are eagerly awaiting the game, but are very hopeful that all the extra content will be worth the wait. 2024 has been a very trying year for the team, so we appreciate your understanding.

As a consolation and means of keeping expectant players updated, Necrosoft Games has committed to providing regular and detailed dev blogs from now until launch. The first of these focuses on the dynamic burn status, which can spread amongst adjacent enemies and allies alike.
RPGFan’s own Aleks Franiczek got early access to the Demonschool demo in June and provided a comprehensive and frankly excellent preview; If you are interested in the game, I sincerely encourage you to check out the article.
RPGFan will bring readers more details about Demonschool as they become available. We hope the extra time in the fire gives Necrosoft the time and space they need to put forward the best possible game they can.
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