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Final Fantasy XVI’s Clive Rosfield Joins Tekken 8

Tekken 8 x Final Fantasy XVI Clive Rosfield Screenshot

After winning Best Fighting Game at The Game Awards 2024, developer Bandai Namco Entertainment has revealed Final Fantasy XVI‘s Clive Rosfield as the newest fighter coming to the world of Tekken 8. The First Shield of Rosaria joins as a DLC character on December 16th (early access) and December 19th (full release).

FFXVI‘s Clive Rosfield and Epic Phoenix Gate Ruins in Tekken 8

Tekken 8 x Final Fantasy XVI Clive Rosfield Screenshot

In addition to Clive Rosfield, the new battle stage PHOENIX GATE is also introduced in TEKKEN 8, a pivotal location from FINAL FANTASY XVI where tragic events reshaped the destiny of the game’s main character. The stage’s destruction, brought to life through Eikons and stunning special effects, mirrors key moments of his journey to confront his past.

Clive Rosfield and the PHOENIX GATE battle stage will be available for players that have the Deluxe, Ultimate Edition, or Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack which contains Playable Character Year 1 Pass. Both are also purchasable separately or as a bundle.

Tekken 8 x Final Fantasy XVI Dev Talk – Round 1

For further updates on the developer and more behind-the-scenes information on this collaboration, check out the Dev Talk stream below.

If you’re keen to get to know Clive and haven’t played FFXVI, here’s a review from someone who enjoyed it as much as I did. I’m not big into fighting games, and I know a lot of fans might have been expecting Tifa from Final Fantasy VII instead, but this announcement was enough for me to give Tekken 8 a chance.

Final Fantasy XVI and Tekken 8‘s collaboration DLC launches in early access on December 16th, and in full on December 19th. Both games are available on PlayStation 5 and PC via Steam.

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Tin Manuel

Tin Manuel

Tin is a designer and a writer by day and an adventurer in whatever game she is playing at night. She gets giddy talking about RPGs (specifically JRPGs), new releases, and reveres almost every female protagonist. She has two cats and two dogs, whom she loves dearly. She’s forgetful at times, but she will always remember Aerith’s death frame by frame in 480p.

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