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Ōkami Sequel Revealed; Hideki Kamiya to Reprise Director Role

Okami Sequel Artwork

In stunning fashion at The Game Awards 2024, an Ōkami sequel has been announced to be in development—nearly two decades after the release of the original.

The follow-up will have Hideki Kamiya reprising his role as director. He will be supported by the newly made development studio Clovers, with publishing to be handled by Capcom. Check out the teaser trailer for the Ōkami sequel below!

Okami Sequel – Project Teaser

Beyond the announcement, little is known about the sequel, but it will assumedly focus on Amaterasu, the wolven Sun Goddess, inhabiting a parchment-and-ink universe where brushstrokes and its landscapes fuse strikingly. Here’s what Kamiya has to say, plus info on a new bundle with the Capcom strategy game Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess.

Okami Sequel Director – Hideki Kamiya

Okami Sequel Director Hideki Kamiya - Clovers
Okami Sequel Director Message

Okami HD + Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess Bundle

Okami x Kunitsu-Gami Path of the Godess Bundle

To celebrate the unveiling of the all-new Okami title project announced at The Game Awards 2024, the Okami + Kunitsu-Gami Bundle, a bundle containing both Okami HD and Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, is set to go on sale!

Immerse yourself in the colorful, culturally-inspired worlds of these two popular titles!

  • Release Date:
    Steam: 12/13/2024 10 AM (PST)
    Xbox Series XS, Xbox One: 12/13/2024 12 PM (PST)
    PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4: Coming Soon
  • Supported Platforms:
    Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Steam®

There will no doubt be more news on the sequel project as development continues, but if you’re curious about what RPGFan thought of the original Ōkami, feel free to check out Caitlin’s review of the HD remaster. She came away from the experience extremely positive, stating that the title “brings all the beauty and fun of the original to several new platforms.”

Stay tuned to RPGFan for all news on Ōkami and RPG!

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Trent Argirov

Trent Argirov

Trent is a news editor for RPGFan. If not writing news or lending a voice to the odd podcast, he can be seen, in the Australian wild, drinking copious amounts of iced coffee, working on various manuscripts, and keeping the occasional wandering cat company. His video game backlog stretches far and wide, and sources swear he's slowly working on it, one day at a time.

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