David Kirakosyan

Former Reviews Editor

David Kirakosyan

David has been playing games as far back as he can remember, and his favorite games continue to occupy his mind long after the credits roll. At RPGFan, David hopes to refine his writing skills so he can contribute to the site's growing body of work created by equally passionate individuals.

Favourite Games/Series

Xenoblade, NieR, The Legend of Zelda, Guilty Gear, Undertale, Dark Souls, Transistor, Pyre, Shin Megami Tensei, Rakuen, Sin and Punishment, Mushihimesama, Metroid, Monster Hunter, Classic Paper Mario, the list never ends...

Favourite Genres

RPGs, Platformers, SHMUPs, Fighting Games (I am bad), Action, I will play anything that catches my eye

Misc Interests

Movies, music, museums, reading

Time at RPGFan

January 2024–May 2024