In a new livestream video hosted by series director Masahiro Sakurai, Nintendo revealed that Byleth, the player character and revered professor in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, will be joining the roster in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on January 28th as part of the Fighters Pass downloadable content pack. Packing an arsenal of powerful weapons, and a unique ranged fighting style, Byleth is ready to school the competition in battle! From the Sword of the Creator to the powerful bow Failnaught, you can get a full rundown on all of their multifaceted moves from the full video below.
Along with the new fighter, players who purchase the Fighters Pass, or who add Byleth to their game as a standalone purchase, will gain access to the new Garreg Mach Monastery stage and 11 new music tracks.
This new stage will move players between four main locations around the monastery and will feature appearances from beloved characters like Claude, Edelgard, Dimitri, and others, who will cheer from the sidelines.
Additionally, a new Spirit Board will be added alongside Byleth, along with a brand new Classic Mode route called “A Heroic Legacy” which will allow players to experience series highlights from across the Fire Emblem games.
New Mii Fighter costumes will also be available to purchase including Altair from Assassin’s Creed, a Rabbid hat from Ubisoft’s popular spin-off series, two new Mega Man costumes, and a Cuphead outfit. Each will be available separately, and players who add Cuphead to their collection will also be able to enjoy a new musical accompaniment that was featured during the Cagney Carnation boss fight.
More DLC fighters are in development, as was announced by Mr. Sakurai in the presentation, with six new characters to join the game at a later date. The Fighters Pass Vol. 2 will be made available for pre-purchase on January 28th for those interested in further bolstering their roster in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. As a bonus, anyone who pre-purchases the upcoming add-on will be entitled to a new Mii Fighter costume based on the Ancient Soldier armor from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild!
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