Article / Podcast · Random Encounter

Random Encounter 195 – A Summer Sampler

Woman with deep purple hair and red-rimmed glasses looking at the viewer with an out of focus field of hazy green lights as a backdrop

On this episode of Random Encounter we find out about Mario’s latest RPG adventure, Paper Mario: The Origami King from Tooker. Necrobarista spins a beautiful yarn and looks great doing it, and Zach lets us know all his feels. Greg’s been island-hopping in Summer in Mara, loving the simple adventure for the escape it is! Lastly, Jono wanted Greg’s take on Murder by Numbers!

Featuring: Greg Delmage, Jono Logan, John “Tooker” Tucker, Zach Wilkerson; Edited by Brian Ingemanson

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Greg Delmage

Greg Delmage

As a fan of the RPG oeuvre, it seemed only natural that Greg Delmage should join RPGFan on the Random Encounter podcast (and sometimes reviewer)! When not auditioning or doing what he can at RPGFan, Greg enjoys adventuring with his swell partner Annette, helping raise their daughter, and playing many a board and video game! Want to chat all things Nintendo, Final Fantasy or Harvest Moon? Greg is always down.

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