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Hold Hell in Your Hands as Hades gets a Physical Switch Release with Plenty of Boons!

Zagreus, sassing Hades

Have you played Hades yet? And if you haven’t, when are you going to play Hades? If you’re familiar with me, then you know it’s my personal 2020 Game of the Year winner because it’s addictive, beautiful, and meaningful to play. Loyal Supergiant Games fans and newcomers agree, and the studio are looking to give us just a few more boons to go with this delightful game.

During the latest Nintendo Direct, Supergiant announced a physical release for this “wanton ransacking” (Hades’ words, not mine) through the Underworld. So not only do I get to look at the Zagreus on my Switch home screen, I can now stare at him on my shelf. The boxed version releases on March 19th, which gives me just enough time to create my own alternative covers for the Switch case. One for every god? Cerberus? Skelly? You bet.

Hades Switch cover featuring Zagreus.

We don’t just get a pretty little box for this game, though. Included with the case, like two bottles of nectar, is a download code for Darren Korb’s excellent soundtrack (which was rightfully featured in our annual Music of the Year awards) so you can rock out to some awesome Underworld Halloween Mediterranean prog-rock on your own time. The second gift is a Character Compendium, whcih will include Jen Zee’s amazing artwork for all of the denizens of the House of Hades and beyond, and information on the cast.

This physical release has just given me a reason to pick up Hades for a second time. Bob Richardson said in his review that “Hades is a game for almost everyone.” and I couldn’t agree more. Excellent artwork, fantastic music, effective writing, addictive gameplay, dog petting, and many incredibly attractive people. The boxed version releases next month, but pre-orders aren’t open at this article’s time of publication. We’ll let you know as soon as they are!

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Alana Hagues

Alana Hagues

Alana was with RPGFan for nearly seven years and did a little bit of everything, but writing is her passion. A lover of baking and animals (especially dogs and reptiles), she apparently has a pretty cute accent. If you talk to her about Skies of Arcadia, you've made a friend for life.

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