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Two Famicom Detective Club Titles Releasing on Nintendo Switch this May

Famicom Detective Club The Girl Who Stands Behind Artwork 007

Today’s Nintendo Direct revealed the upcoming Western debut for two Nintendo deep-cuts from the Famicom Detective Club series. Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir and Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind will bring their unique brand of murder, mystery, and deep narrative to Nintendo Switch. Check out the trailer below for a first look at these freshly localized and modernized titles.

Originally released for the Famicom Disk System, and directed by Game Boy creator Gunpei Yokoi, this will be the first chance for players outside of Japan to dive head-first into the deep narrative of these murder-mystery games.

Digital pre-orders are available now for both Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir and Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind, which will sleuth their way onto the Nintendo Switch eShop on May 14th. Take a look at the first images of each title below:

Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir Images

Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind Images

Finally, Japanese players will have access to an elaborate two-pack, physical limited edition set of both games:

Along with an investigation file and soundtrack CDs, this set also contains reproductions of the original games’ promotional ads. It’s fascinating to see that these specific art pieces have been recreated in the new art style for the remakes. Check them out side by side (click for larger):

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Corey Hall

Corey Hall

Corey was a news editor and resident Nintendo obsessor at RPGFan. He first fell in love with RPGs while playing through Super Mario RPG as a kid, and has never looked back! In his spare time, he enjoys taking pictures, hoarding video game collectibles, and chasing after the eternal dream of being the very best – like no one ever was.

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