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New Character Introduction Trailer for Alphen from Tales of Arise Released

A close up of the protagonist of Tales of Arise, called Alphen, who has half a mask obscuring half of his face.

Bandai Namco recently released a character introduction trailer for protagonist Alphen from the upcoming action RPG Tales of Arise. An amnesiac swordsman who at first dons a mysterious iron mask, Alphen strongly believes in helping others and freeing them from oppression.

You can see Alphen’s character trailer below to find out more about him.

Our own Izzy Parsons wrote an excellent preview on the game recently for those more curious. And if the trailer and the preview aren’t enough, here are some more screens of Alphen to go along with everything!

Tales of Arise is the seventeenth title in the venerable Tales series, and it releases on Windows PC via Steam, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 on September 10th in America and Europe, and on September 9th on consoles in Japan.

Source: Gematsu

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Audra Bowling

Audra Bowling

Audra Bowling is a reviewer for RPGFan. She is a lover of RPGs, Visual Novels, and Fighting Games. Once she gets onto a subject she truly feels strongly about, like her favorite games, she can ramble on and on endlessly. Coffee helps keep her world going round.

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