Article / Podcast · Rhythm Encounter

Rhythm Encounter 73 – NES Side Story

Rhythm Encounter 073 NES Side Story

Marty, we’ve got to go back! Back to the… past. That didn’t work. But on this episode of Rhythm Encounter, we’re doing a console-specific episode, for the first time since Episode 1 (which debuted way back in February 2013). The Nintendo Entertainment System wasn’t the first game platform, but its impact on the gaming landscape can’t be understated. Plus, for many of us of a certain age, it was likely the console that really got us into gaming — if not RPGs specifically — thanks to the debut of both Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, among others. And that’s why the NES was the perfect place to visit next for a console episode.

We hope you enjoy listening, and if you have thoughts on a console you’d like us to cover in the future, please drop us a line!

Featuring: Mike Salbato, Michael Sollosi, Jono Logan; Edited by Jono Logan

Links for this episode


0:11:29 – Overworld (Akito Nakatsuka) – Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
0:13:09 – Snowy Fields (Masatomo Miyamoto) – The Guardian Legend
0:33:08 – Warriors of Sorrow (Akio Dobashi) – Lagrange Point
0:35:11 – The Boys are Still Back (Dave’s Theme) (David Hayes) – Maniac Mansion (NES Version)
0:56:40 – Theme of Xemn (Yuzo Koshiro) – Legacy of the Wizard, NES Version [Dragon Slayer IV: Drasle Family (JP)]
0:58:38 – Priestess Aria (Nobuo Uematsu) – Final Fantasy III (Pixel Remaster)
1:33:48 – Sollosi’s Bonus Track!

Album Links

Original Sound of Dragon Slayer IV – Drasle Family

LAGRANGE POINT Soundtrack (FC Original Soundtrack Version)


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Artwork note: Some artwork sourced from The Cover Project.

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Mike Salbato

Mike Salbato

Mike has been with RPGFan nearly since its inception, and in that time has worn a surprising number of hats for someone who doesn't own a hatstand. Today he attempts to balance his Creative Director role with his Editor-in-Chief status. Despite the amount of coffee in his veins, he bleeds emerald green.

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