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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Confirmed for December 13th Release

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion artwork

In the just-concluded Nintendo Direct, the release date for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion was revealed: December 13th, in a surprise for fans on the 15th anniversary of the original’s release. The HD remaster will be coming to Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam.

Here is the launch trailer, displaying new gameplay and cutscenes:

The graphics have been completely redone for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, along with a newly arranged soundtrack, new voice acting, and reworked real-time combat with a VII Remake-styled command system. The game is set seven years prior to the events of Final Fantasy VII and introduces Zack Fair, a young Shinra SOLDIER on a mission to find the missing Genesis Rhapsodos.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Screenshots

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion launches on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC via Steam on December 13th, within six months of its initial reveal in June during the Final Fantasy VII 25th anniversary stream. Stay tuned to RPGFan for more Final Fantasy news as Tokyo Game Show 2022 approaches this week!

Source: Square Enix

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Tin Manuel

Tin Manuel

Tin is a designer and a writer by day and an adventurer in whatever game she is playing at night. She gets giddy talking about RPGs (specifically JRPGs), new releases, and reveres almost every female protagonist. She has two cats and two dogs, whom she loves dearly. She’s forgetful at times, but she will always remember Aerith’s death frame by frame in 480p.

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