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Retro Encounter 424 – Top Eleven PS4 RPGs

Retro Encounter 424 Top PS4 RPGs with characters from NieR Automata, Dragon Quest XI, Bloodborne, Monster Hunter World

PlayStation IV: A New Hope

The PlayStation 4 was a massively successful console, with incredible sales, an official lifespan of seven years, and game releases continuing to the present day. And moreso than its predecessor, the PS4 had a rich selection of RPGs. Today, four Retro Encounter panelists each composed individual top ten lists of PS4 RPGs, and then collated those individual lists into a final top eleven (there was a tie).
In this episode, our panel goes over their thoughts and feelings on these eleven titles, plus a few extras and honorable mentions. So what fan favorites make the list, or fail to make the list? Listen and find out! 

Featuring: Michael Sollosi, Aleks Franiczek, Kyle Cantelon, Zach Wilkerson; Edited by Zach Wilkerson

Opening and ending music by Miles Morkri

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Michael Sollosi

Michael Sollosi

Sollosi joined RPGFan in 2014 as part of the music section but switched lanes to podcasting a year later, eventually becoming showrunner of the Retro Encounter podcast. Outside of RPGFan, Sollosi works in a government engineering office, enjoys visiting local parks and petting local dogs, and dreams of a second Ys vs Trails fighting game.

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