Atelier Judie ~Alchemist of Gramnad~ Imprisoned Caretaker Original Soundtrack


Review by · October 11, 2010

Years ago I wrote a review for the original print of this album, a rarity from Gust themselves: “hopefully someday Team Entertainment will make a reprint that increases the soundtrack’s availability.” Dear universe: you’re welcome. My predictions come true.

Well, actually, Gust and TE did us one better. Gust ported Atelier Judie to PSP, with some extra content included. Part of that “extra content” was 3 new pieces of music, all composed by Daisuke Achiwa. Two vocal themes (first and last track of disc 1) and one new instrumental theme (first track of disc 2) were added. Otherwise, it’s the same OST as before. And it’s totally awesome.

The years have passed slowly since I first heard this soundtrack. And many, many more soundtracks from the Gust Sound Team have been published in that time. With the passing of time, I have a new perspective. And I have to say, the Atelier Judie soundtrack ranks higher for me now than ever before. It’s just below the first Iris and Viorate (which are the two games that follow it, in order of original publication), and about on-par with Totori. The provincial sound is perfect. I love all the auxiliary percussion, the hand claps, the bandoneon … everything just sounds beautiful. And when it’s not provincial in an “old Europe” sense, it’s funky in a “new Europe” sense (see, for example, “Royal Blue”).

This is one you simply have to have if you like Gust even the slightest bit. My soundtrack collection rotates quickly and frequently, but I won’t be letting this one go anytime soon. The new vocal tracks are great, and the old soundtrack is still impressive a full decade later.

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Patrick Gann

Patrick Gann

Therapist by day and gamer by night, Patrick has been offering semi-coherent ramblings about game music to RPGFan since its beginnings. From symphonic arrangements to rock bands to old-school synth OSTs, Patrick keeps the VGM pumping in his home, to the amusement and/or annoyance of his large family of humans and guinea pigs.