Note: track 20, “Demon Academy Alma Master” is either a pun or a typo…we’re not sure which. One would think it ought to read “Alma Mater.”
Released as a special bonus item alongside NISA’s English release of Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice, the Disgaea Custom Soundtrack is a best-of album for Disgaea 1, 2, and 3. The packaging is similar to another Disgaea 3 bonus, the opening singles collection (which NISA also distributed with some purchases of the PS3 title).
As for the music, the tracks were actually decided by votes, from fans, on NISA’s website. As a result, it’s no surprise that many of the vocal performances from each Disgaea title appeared on this soundtrack. Though, surprisingly, the ending theme for Disgaea 3 is absent.
Regardless, some of my favorite tracks from each Disgaea managed to make it to the collection. “Demon Academy Prospective Student” is one of the cutest songs ever written, and “Poem of the Vagabond” one of the most beautiful. Both of these songs are from Disgaea 3.
This album is the perfect album to expose newcomers to Tenpei Sato’s zany, creative compositions. If you’re well-versed in the series, this collection is nothing new, but it’s a lovely bonus anyway. Since the album is packaged with the game, I guess I’d have to recommend the whole game itself to also recommend this CD. And I do: I recommend both. Go for it!