Success released a full two-disc OST for this game (known in North America as “The Dark Spire”), but they also created a promotional CD with some special arranged tracks. Two piano tracks, a vocal track, and a special (rock-band-style) battle theme were recorded and put on this album. Also unique to this album are 8-bit original and arranged versions of an unused track, which cannot be found on any other CD.
I stress the unused tracks over the arranged tracks because Atlus USA also released a promotional CD with their copies of The Dark Spire. Said CD included all of the unique arranged tracks on the Special Sound Tracks, as well as one entirely new arranged track. But they did not pick up tracks 8 and 9 from this disc for their bonus CD. So those two tracks are entirely unique to this disc. I just want to make that clear.
Anyway, having listened to this collection of music a few times, I have to say that I’m not really impressed with the added arrangements. The piano tracks were nice, and simple, but the vocal and special battle theme were nothing to get excited about. Really, if you want to enjoy Kenichi Arakawa’s music, you’ll want the full two disc set of music.
And that’s my recommendation. Don’t bother trying to hunt down this album when you can get the far superior OST (available at VGMWorld). The best tracks found on this disc are the OST tracks, and you can have all of them, plus many more great retro-style tracks, with the full OST.