One day while doing some random searchings on eBay, I discovered this soundtrack. Figuring it was rare enough to pay any amount of money for, I bid on it and won it for it’s minimum bid of $27 (obscurity has a high minimum bid my friends). Was it worth the purchase?? Yes.
The thing I didn’t know about this OST at the time of purchase was that along with it’s 13 OST tracks, there were 6 arranged tracks at the beginning, and they were pretty good. Ranging from orchestral (track 1) to techno-remix (track 5), these tracks are pretty dern cool. The original tracks aren’t so special…In fact, most of them stink. But if you’ve ever played Villgust, you already knew that. “Summing up tonight; the arranged tracks: GOOD! Original tracks, BAD!! They’re BAD! Dan Quayle, STILL GAINING ACCEPTANCE…” (hehehe)
This soundtrack can be found…NOWHERE! That’s right, it’s pretty much an impossibility and unless you really search for it you’ll never find it. I personally got mine on eBay, but that’s the only one I’ve ever seen up.