So, the limited edition of Disgaea 2 came with a full 2-disc OST. Apparently, preordering the item may have also gotten you this special little disc.
What is it? My best guess is that it’s a bunch of outtakes from the first Disgaea arranged album. Why do I say that? The original Disgaea arranged album sounded like OST tracks with a bit of lengthening, and nothing more. These seven songs are not found on the arranged album, but are found on the OST. However, on this disc, they are longer and somewhat different…but not very different.
So, it’s essentially a B-side promo item with music from an older game. Certainly rare, certainly obscure, but probably not worth seeking. Of course I enjoyed the music, since I like Tenpei Sato. But, again, I was hoping for something more…I don’t know…arranged? This one is for crazy collectors only.