In 2004, the Action RPG “Sacred” made its way to the PC, and quickly found itself being called another Diablo clone. Clone or not, Sacred’s soundtrack definitely packs a punch with its passionate instrumentals. I must admit–I have never played Sacred, but after listening to this soundtrack, I regret not giving it a shot. If the game has even a shred of the intensity that the soundtrack possesses, then it’s safe to say, I really missed out on something great. However, I don’t want my praise to overshadow reality. Sacred’s soundtrack definitely has some tracks that are “sacred.” Unfortunately, there are also tracks that don’t exactly live up to the game’s namesake.
From the opening track, “Ancaria’s Soul,” Sacred’s music makes a powerful statement. With its pumped up percussion and powerful brass instruments, “Ancaria’s Soul” could not have been a better track to provide the motivation and preparation needed for the grand trip that awaits you. It’s almost like the music is leading you to your destiny. From this track onward, the soundtrack delivers an inspiring orchestral blend that properly showcases the ups and downs of your trek.
A great asset of Sacred’s soundtrack is that it provides the listener with an adrenaline rush–these tracks put you right in the moment. “Hunter and Hunted” is a good example of this. I was able to feel the panic and pandemonium as though someone was after me. In fact, even without playing the game, you will be able to visualize the battles, the struggles, and the journey that Sacred provides. The soundtrack is definitely a rollercoaster–one moment the music is full of frenzy and chaos–the next moment it’s serene and renewing. The soundtrack will also make you feel constantly on edge, especially the more eerie tracks. That’s what I loved about this soundtrack–the music always did an excellent job at conveying the atmosphere to you. I always felt like I could visualize the environment and what was going on.
Unfortunately, the soundtrack does have some shortcomings, particularly the lack of variety it offers. After some time, the tracks can begin to sound the same, and while the percussion is amazing at first, it becomes what the soundtrack heavily depends on. The problem is: Sacred’s soundtrack relies on being powerful, and has difficulty toning down its might to provide the listener with anything else worthwhile. And although there were a couple times where the soundtrack did try to vary it up, it was too far and few. “Arachnophobia” was one track, where they tried something different by adding the electric guitar half way through. This not only spiced up the track, but also made it stand out. Thankfully, the electric guitar added just enough intensity without overpowering the song. I wish the composer took more chances like he did with “Arachnophobia.” Without a doubt, adding in fresh instruments and changing up the melodies every so often would have made some of the tracks more memorable. Don’t get me wrong–Sacred’s soundtrack will leave an impression on you, it just could have been so much greater with a few variations.
I must confess: many times while listening to this soundtrack, I just wanted to get up and go play Sacred. This is probably where the music succeeds most; it tells an amazing story. If you’re a fan of the game, there’s no doubt in my mind that will you enjoy this soundtrack. I haven’t even played the game, and I still enjoyed the soundtrack immensely, so newcomers should not be afraid to give it a chance. If Sacred 2: Fallen Angel’s soundtrack is anything like this one, consider me not only devoting my time to the soundtrack, but also to the game.