Sakura Taisen 4 ~Maidens, Fall in Love~ is the fourth title in the popular Japanese Sakura Taisen series from Sega/Overworks. Composed by Kouhei Tanaka, this is fourth installment he has worked on.
The soundtrack comprises of 17 tracks, 5 tracks being Bonus Tracks (the last 5).
The soundtrack has 2 vocal songs, the Declaration! Imperial Floral Assault Group ~Final Chapter~ and You, Flower. The first song, Declaration! Imperial Floral Assault Group ~Finale Chapter~ is sung by the Japanese actor who voices the character Ichiro Ogami, There are 3 versions of this song, the full version, shortened version played in the Opening of the Sakura Taisen 4 game, and the instrumental version of the song. You, Flower, again voiced by Ichiro Oogami’s Japanese voice actor, and the girls of the Floral and Paris Floral Assault Units. I do not like this song. It is not one of the best vocal songs I have heard in Sakura Taisen.
I do like the tracks Declaration! Imperial Floral Assault Group ~Finale Chapter~ (Imperial Capital Version), and Declaration! Imperial Floral Assault Group ~Finale Chapter~ [Paris Version] (Instrumental). These two tracks are similar to the tracks on the Sakura Taisen 3 Music Collection ~ Paris Music Hall, ‘Under The Imperial Flag’ (the main theme of Sakura Taisen 3), and Declaration! Imperial Floral Assault Group III on Disc 2 of the Sakura Taisen 3 Soundtrack.
My favorite tracks on the soundtrack are Declaration! Imperial Floral Assault Group ~Final Chapter~, Declaration! Imperial Floral Assault Group ~Finale Chapter~ (Imperial Capital Version), Sakura Taisen Jongg ~ A Girl’s Gotta Win, Declaration! Imperial Floral Assault Group ~Finale Chapter~ [Paris Version] (Instrumental). I’ll let you decide on whether the song You, Flower is to your liking or not.
I don’t find this soundtrack to be as impressive as other Sakura Taisen soundtracks. The reason for this is that there aren’t as many tracks on this soundtrack compared to some Tanaka’s other works. It also doesn’t have many of the elements that make the Sakura Taisen soundtracks. The only things I like about this soundtrack are the Declaration! Imperial Floral Assault Unit songs, as this is one of Kohei Tanaka best remembered pieces he has done. In my opinion, if you were a fan of Sakura Taisen 4 and liked the music, then you should purchase it, but if you are unsure about getting it, then listen to the samples and see for yourself.