The opening and ending themes for Summon Night (the first one) are found on this disc. To my knowledge, it is the very first album released regarding Flight-Plan’s now extensively-large series. On this album, Chiaki Fujita (aka “Sing Like Talking”) works with vocalist Mariko Imataki, and the result is splendid.
The best thing about these songs, and indeed, most of the Summon Night themes, is the interspersed English in the midst of an otherwise-Japanese song. And, these vocalists do it without sounding confused, almost no “Engrish” errors can be spotted. The opening theme is great for this, since they go for a country-western feel with the fiddle and whatnot. The ending sounds more like a ballad, and the backup vocalist (who I think is male…?) brings a lot of power to the chorus.
Track three is an instrumental track. I didn’t find it all that pleasing. It sounds like a variation of the opening theme, but not as good. Speaking of which, for a full instrumental version of the opening theme, we get the karaoke track as the final bit of the single.
If these samples sound good to you, I would recommend not buying this single. Why? Because there’s a full album entitled “Summon Night Soundtrack” that includes opening and ending themes to the first three Summon Night titles, and some more instrumentals are included there as well. It’s a much more worthwhile purchase. But this single exists, and it’s worth mentioning especially because it’s the very first printed CD for the Summon Night series.