Before I bought this CD, I had heard many great things about it. This album indeed has many fans. I was told it was better than Ys V Orchestra Version, which is one of my favorite albums ever. When I finally got this CD and put it into my CD player, I was concerned that it would not live up to my expectations. However, within a few minutes, I knew had not made a mistake. My ears were treated to wonderful symphonic arrangements of the classic Ys songs.
This album is arranged by Tamiya Terashima, and is five tracks long. The first track is 19:29, and the other four are all at least seven minutes long. Each has several great Ys songs in each track that flow together nicely. It is difficult for me to describe in words the quality of these tracks. The synth quality is far above average as well. These arrangements really make the already great melodies of Ys shine.
So basically if you liked Terashima’s arrangements on Ys V Orchestra Version, and Legend of Heroes 4: Electric Orchestra, you will love this one. This is one fantastic album.