I am posting this review for purely informational purposes. Reviews for all three of these albums have been posted separately under their respective titles. One’s under “Falcom,” one’s under “Sorcerian,” and one’s under “Ys.”
A quick overview: ten years before this CD was printed, three “maxi-single” albums were printed. A maxi-single is an 8cm disc with a clear plastic casing around it to make it the size of a regular CD. Hence, “maxi” “single.” It’s a single in a fraudulently-sized disc.
“Vocal From Ys” speaks for itself. “Surround Theater Sorcerian” is a drama album with lots of music and sound effects. “Plus Mix Version” is an old synthy arranged album. Compared to Falcom’s greater achievements, none of these are very impressive.
Nonetheless, they are a part of Falcom’s history, so they were reprinted together in this one album with a very lengthy title. Now you know, and knowing is half of what makes you a geek. The other half is spending too much time indoors. Hope you enjoyed the informational review.