This Electone album is different from those prior, because the arrangers were willing to use some non-traditional synths to get the job done.
For example, track 15 “The Fight” opens with synth that sounds like it comes straight out of Mega Man. There is no attempt here to imitate the orchestrated style of Dragon Quest. It’s about time a battle theme sounded good on an Electone album.
The Xylophone on “Flying Bed” also sounds decent, though it’s clear that the trills were programmed to run at a certain rate, and they sound too perfect, and too consistent, to be real. This detracts from the beauty of the song, and here I’d much prefer a live orchestra.
Dragon Quest VI was the last to do an Electone album: VII and VIII didn’t bother with it. And frankly, I’m not sad to see it go. There was good effort on this arrangement, but I prefer Dragon Quest V’s Electone to any of the others. And then, I’d prefer virtually any other Dragon Quest arranged format to the Electone format.