This little sample CD was released with Square’s “Summer of Adventure 2000” promotion, which was given to anyone who put a $10 reserve or more on the game to which this sample CD is featured.
Many were upset to see that these CDs are only 5 tracks each and hoped for more. If anything, it was felt that Square should released the entire OST in America if they’ve gone far enough just to release this selection CD. And though it is unlikely, this little CD has started somewhat of a controversy.
However, let’s not overlook its benefits. The packaging is very lovely, and the 5 tracks they put on there are all very good. If you want to get this CD, it’s a little too late to do it the standard way since the game is out. However, it will be sold in mass quantities on eBay for the months following its release and that will be the one place to find this CD for a long time to come.