In the third and final part of our 30 Best RPG Dads feature, we have lawyers, blacksmiths, aliens, and everyone’s favorite Nopon.
Olaf Craig (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel series)
Writeup by Audra Bowling

Olaf Craig has an imposing and awe-inspiring reputation as a general, but he is also a caring family man who only wants to spend as much time as he can with his son and daughter and ensure what is best for both of them after the death of his wife. Wherever Elliot or Fiona are concerned, Olaf is depicted as a very different man from his military rigidness. It turns out that even his hesitancy to allow Elliot to follow his dream to become a musician stemmed from concern over how society might react, but once he knows how truly strong Elliot is, Olaf supports him in his efforts wholeheartedly. Olaf obviously cares for his children greatly, and who wouldn’t want a dad who rides a tank like a boss?
Drax (Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series)
Writeup by Audra Bowling

Drax’s initial purpose for being one of the Guardians of the Galaxy was to get revenge on Thanos for murdering his family, and he struggles with what to do with himself once that purpose seems met in the game’s early stages. The player sees him interacting with his daughter in extremely haunting flashbacks, and the love that Drax has for her is painfully obvious, with the game even giving choices in their interactions leading to the same moving outcome no matter what they ultimately decide to do. These familial moments help provide further insight into Drax’s actions and decisions later on in the game’s plot to very emotional effect, since he obviously still carries the memory of his wife and daughter with him. The player gets to see how that shapes his interactions with the other characters.
Chrom (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Writeup by Audra Bowling

In Fire Emblem Awakening, the player can see Chrom as a father in three different ways: as a doting dad to a newborn baby, as a proud parent to a time-traveling swordswoman who comes back to the past in order to save Chrom’s life, and as a caring and concerned parent to Lucina’s sibling, should options be chosen that lead to her having one. There are many parents in this particular title, but Chrom stands out largely due to how important Lucina is to the overall plot. It is very obvious just how much love and affection Chrom has for his children in all of their interactions, even if he understandably has a hard time wrapping his head around the time traveling bit at first.
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney Series)
Writeup by Audra Bowling

Phoenix Wright is the proud adopted father of Trucy Wright. Throughout their interactions together, both in flashbacks to a younger Trucy and in the present timeline of the series, players can see that the characters care deeply for one another. In fact, just about the only thing Phoenix will never tolerate is the idea that someone might try to take Trucy away from him: a testament to how he clearly views her as his child. He is supportive of her aspiring career as a magician, and Trucy is more than willing to help her daddy out when it comes to solving cases, so long as Phoenix deems that they aren’t too dangerous. In what were the darkest moments in Phoenix’s life, Trucy’s presence was the only source of light he had.
Chalky (Dragon Quest XI)
Writeup by Michael Sollosi

Dragon Quest XI has several outstanding parents, including Veronica and Serena’s doting mom and dad and Sylvando’s stubborn-but-supportive master swordsman father, but The Luminary’s complicated family stands out. The Luminary’s father Irwin gave his life to save his son, and Irwin’s father-in-law Robert wandered the world for over a decade in search of his grandson, grieving his daughter the whole way. But the most memorable Dragon Quest dad of recent years is Chalky, The Luminary’s adoptive grandfather. Chalky takes in the baby Luminary without a second thought, and when the player-character briefly travels backward in time as an adult to meet Chalky, the wise grandpa instantly realizes who he’s talking to. For being welcoming, understanding, and big-hearted, yet truly memorable despite appearing in only a few scenes, Chalky is the kind of grandpa we all wish we could have.
Jessie Black (Xenogears)
Writeup by Tyler Trosper

From Billy’s perspective, Jesiah “Jessie” Black is a terrible father. Often seen as a crass alcoholic, Jessie seemingly abandoned his two children after his wife, Raquel, was murdered right in front of them by monsters known as Wels. However, he does everything he can to protect his children, even if they do not know the full truth. Billy might hate him, but Jessie would do anything for his son and daughter. Heck, what other father shoots himself out of a giant gun wielded by his son’s mech?
Ziggy (Xenosaga Series)
Writeup by Tyler Trosper

Jan Sauer, AKA Ziggy, is a man with a devastating past. Before the events of Xenosaga Episode I, Jan was a police officer with a wife and a stepson. However, tragic events led to the death of Jan and his family. Against his will, Jan was brought back to life as a cyborg known as Ziggurat 8. Little by little, he tries to become more machine than human, but one little girl changes it all: MOMO. Giving him the moniker of Ziggy, MOMO changes his life forever and becomes the daughter he never had. Through newfound fatherhood, Ziggy finds a new reason to live.
Jess (Alundra)
Writeup by Kyle Seeley

One of the greatest strengths of Alundra is that you get to know everyone in Inoa Village pretty well. Of all the villagers, none have more affection for the titular character than the village blacksmith, Jess. While not much is actually known about Alundra’s past, it’s revealed that Jess’ wife and son has passed away, leaving him a broken man. Alundra’s arrival in Inoa Village and his subsequent struggle to protect its citizens from their torturous nightmares cause the two to bond like a real father and son. Jess quickly becomes Alundra’s surrogate father, providing the hero with plenty of crafted weapons and items and doing anything and everything he can to make sure he stays alive. The most touching fatherly display doesn’t occur until late in the game, but Jess’ unconditional love for his adoptive son hangs heavy on the player’s heart for the rest of the narrative.
Riki (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Writeup by Tyler Trosper

No one can forget the legendary dadapon that is Riki! At first glance, you wouldn’t suspect that this cute mascot character is a father, but lo and behold, he’s actually 40 years old with a wife and (at least) six children to feed. In fact, the main reason he is a Heropon is to pay off the debt incurred by his family’s appetite. Riki is a responsible father, not only to his family, but sometimes as a surrogate to fellow Xenoblade Chronicles party member, Melia.
Ryotaro Dojima (Persona 4)
Writeup by Lucy Gray

Dojima would be the first one to tell you that he’s not a perfect father. He’s often running out for work or staying late at the office, unable to take time off to be there for the daughter or nephew living with him. However, all those late nights are all for the sake of protecting Nanako, unable to face her without bringing her mother’s killer to justice and keeping her safe. Dojima’s awkward attempts to bond with his nephew throughout the games show that despite it all, he cares deeply for his family, even as he learns how to connect with them. He’s not a perfect dad, but he’s willing to learn, and will throw his life on the line to protect his daughter.