Kyle is just embarking on his main quest at RPGFan and couldn't be more excited to join the team. He discovered the RPGFan community a couple of years ago and, after growing up in Western Canada as a "jock," was thrilled to realize that there were others in the world who learned roman numerals as a teenager thanks to the Final Fantasy series. Contributing to the news team is his main objective at the site and it is his goal to project the confidence of Ron Burgundy while keeping everyone from realizing he might just be Brick Tamland.
Favourite Games/Series
Suikoden, Fire Emblem, Dragon Age
Favourite Genres
Turn-Based and Strategy RPGs
Misc Interests
Lots of sports game on the side and especially creating my own 'story' or critiquing their attempts at introducing RPG elements.
Time at RPGFan
January 2024–Present
Where I'm From
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
My Pronouns