
Game Reviews

Review Author Platform Score
UNLIMITED SaGa Stephen Harris Sony PlayStation 2

Music Reviews

Review Author Released
Beer SQ Kyle E. Miller July 4, 2012
DESTINY 8 – SaGa Band Arrangement Album Vol.2 Patrick Gann August 11, 2021
KALEIDOSCOPE: Sakimoto and Hamauzu Works Patrick Gann November 23, 2021
Orchestral SaGa Patrick Gann July 28, 2021
Orchestral SaGa Live Disc Patrick Gann November 17, 2021
SaGa 25th Anniversary Sound Effects CD Patrick Gann April 10, 2019
SaGa Battle Track Compilation Patrick Gann January 1, 2011
SaGa Orchestra Concert 2016 Patrick Gann December 15, 2017
Square Enix Jazz -SaGa- Patrick Gann March 17, 2021
SQUARE ENIX SaGa Series 20th Anniversary Original Soundtrack -PREMIUM BOX- Patrick Gann August 26, 2009
The Orchestral SaGa -Legend of Music- Patrick Gann March 23, 2016
UNLIMITED:SaGa Original Soundtrack James McCawley January 22, 2003
UNLIMITED:SaGa Original Soundtrack Jeff Tittsworth January 22, 2003
Vielen Dank – Masashi Hamauzu Patrick Gann May 30, 2007
